Essendene Lodge Reviews

What do our current parents think of Essendene Lodge School? 

Welcome to our Parent Reviews page! At Essendene Lodge School, we believe that parents are our invaluable partners in providing a nurturing and enriching educational experience for their children. We greatly value the feedback and insights shared by our parents, as it helps us continuously improve and tailor our approach to meet the needs of our students and their families.

Essendene has created something special, in that they have managed to ensure an excellent level of education, but in an environment where the children really feel it is fun, inclusive and somewhere where they all feel valued. They are completely on top of each child's strengths, but equally areas where they need to concentrate a bit more on.
Current Parent, 2023
My kids take part in a wide variety of extra curricular activities, which they very much enjoy, and are also learning to play instruments through the school’s peri lessons.
Current Parent, 2023
The children thoroughly enjoy the wide variety of school trips which are on offer, and in particular enjoy taking part in the workshops and activities which are scheduled during the schools themed weeks, such as maths week, science week and wellbeing week etc.
Current Parent, 2023
I have two children who attend Essendene within the school and Preschool settings. My daughter absolutely loves the school and has really benefitted from the smaller class sizes. It is my firm belief that she has excelled and fully reached her potential due to having a smaller group and a more personalised touch to her learning.
Current Parent, 2023
The school teaches excellent values outside of the classroom including the value of friendship, personal wellbeing and emotional intelligence, all things which are essential for the children's growth.
Current Parent, 2023
The teachers absolutely care about every student as an individual and continue to do a fantastic job of delivering the curriculum in fun, engaging and creative ways, which really capture the students imagination. This level of engagement also ensures that they are taking in what they have learnt.
Current Parent, 2023