Key Stage 2 at Essendene Lodge School

In the Junior School we continue to build on the knowledge and skills learned in Year 1 and 2.

The ‘themed’ learning approach continues within subjects such as English, Maths, Science, History, Geography and Art and Design. In Modern Foreign Languages the children learn French from Years 3 to 6.

We also focus on independent thinking skills through verbal and non-verbal reasoning and our curriculum is further enriched by the expertise of specialist PE, music, ICT and Language teachers. We take the learning beyond school through educational visits.

Year 5 and 6

In Years 5 and 6 pupils achieve a deeper understanding of all National Curriculum subjects. The varied and rich curriculum is demanding, coupled with high expectations that allows pupils to achieve academic success reflecting their own abilities. For comparison purposes, our assessment system uses ‘scaled scores’ to allow internal assessment to be compared to national standards at the end of Key Stage 2.

Children are encouraged to develop good organisational skills for transition to senior school and they also develop many leadership qualities through being given roles that carry responsibilities around the school such as Head Boy, Head Girl, House Captains, Sports Captain and Prefects.

Key Stage 2 Highlights

Swimming Lessons

Pupils have weekly swimming lessons for a term each class. During swimming lessons the children are taught water safety and survival skills as well as developing their stroke technique and stamina, each child is given an award at the end of their swimming time, which allows for progression as well as achievement.


In KS2 the children apply all the skills they have learned in previous years and begin to use technology across other areas of the curriculum. They continue to build up their knowledge of Microsoft Office and its features and learn how to use the programs in more depth. Using MSW Logo, Scratch and other coding software, the children are taught how to explain how simple algorithms work and create a sequence of them with different variables to achieve a specific outcome.


In Key Stage 2 pupils all perform in a musical production at the end of the summer term. There are also drama and musical theatre clubs for pupils to join.

Residential Trips

Years 5 and 6 pupils also go on annual residential trips to Rockley sailing centre, taking part in activities including kayaking, problem solving, sailing, paddlebaording, windsurfing and team work.

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