Essendene Lodge's Dynamic Curriculum

Our key aim is to help all children, regardless of ability, to achieve their maximum potential. 

We provide a creative and caring environment, at a pace appropriate to their ability. This enables them to benefit fully from the challenges and the opportunities of a changing society.

This is achieved through:

  • High-quality, well-planned and well organised teaching
  • Using the best possible resources
  • Effective communication and cooperation with parents
  • Continuous evaluation of individual success and the performance of school

Our supporting aim is to foster lively, enquiring minds, overall personal growth and an ability to test personal values and attitudes, enabling children to participate fully, actively and positively in society.

We achieve this by:

  • Providing a wide range of experiences and opportunities
  • Guiding children and problem-solving investigation
  • Fostering a strong sense of self-worth and respect for others
  • Developing a sense of independence and self-discipline
  • Showing individual and whole school successes
  • Emphasising the value of consideration and cooperation

We provide a full and varied curriculum incorporating the best of traditional and modern teaching methods with an emphasis on the core National Curriculum subjects of English, Mathematics and Science.

Learning with Technology

At Essendene Lodge School we value the importance of Computing in education for both teaching and learning. There are interactive Smartboards in nursery and Preschool and large TVs in the other classrooms that are used in all lessons by both teachers and pupils. We also have twenty laptops for use, providing one per pupil, and these are used with all pupils from reception to year 6. All classes have one dedicated Computing lesson per week with a specialist teacher and all pupils have plenty of opportunities to use computers for research, presentation and cross curricular learning.

At Essendene Lodge every pupil from Reception Class upwards has a personal iPad. The iPad in the classroom brings education to life – interactive technology makes learning more engaging and memorable. Tools such as audio and video recorders, interactive learning programmes and the ability to present ideas in the way the child thinks change the way learning and homework is completed. Students have a sense of ownership and are more apt to take charge and become more invested in their own learning. They have access to resources not confined by the classroom walls or the school day.


Homework is an integral part of learning at Essendene Lodge. It consolidates and reinforces learning in the classroom but also helps the children develop the skills and attitudes that they will need to become successful, independent lifelong learners. It provides an opportunity for extending school learning and helps to keep parents informed of the work their child is doing.

  • Tasks are carefully planned, with clear objectives, and structured to support progression in learning
  • Tasks promote progression towards independence and individual responsibility
  • The needs of individuals are taken into account, homework is differentiated as appropriate
  • Homework includes tasks that are varied and challenging
  • There are clear expectations of students, parents and teachers
  • Parents are involved and valued as partners in children’s learning

Curriculum Highlights


Children like to move and interact with others and in Drama at Essendene Lodge, they are asked to do exactly this. Rather than sitting still, they are encouraged to move, speak and react to one another. Children respond positively to the imaginative and multi-sensory learning offered through Drama. This in turn helps them develop such skills as creativity, enquiry, communication, empathy, self confidence, cooperation, leadership and negotiation.

There is the opportunity for pupils to study the LAMDA syllabus, working towards exams which is the speech and drama equivalent of a music grade.

Most importantly, drama activities are fun – making learning both enjoyable and memorable.


Music is a huge part of school life here at Essendene. Children spend time preparing for events hosted at the school. These include the annual harvest festival, the nativity, carol concert, instrumental recital, spring concert, the prize giving celebrating and KS2 production. These events give the children a common goal to work towards. Singing is a key focus and pupils have the opportunity to express themselves through song in assembly and rehearsal. As-well as singing, children are encouraged to be creative. Pupils spend time composing, developing their listening skills and gaining performance confidence. Alongside creativity, children are encouraged to be team players and to develop their collaboration skills.


Sport and physical activity are an important part of school life. At Essendene Lodge School pupils take part in separate P.E. and games lessons every week to include Football, Hockey, Rugby, Netball, Tennis, Cricket, Gymnastics, Handball, Volleyball, Circuit Training, Dance, Athletics and Swimming. Children are encouraged to develop balance, co-ordination and agility, and are taught basic ball skills from an early age.

We believe that it is important for both girls and boys to enjoy all sports so we combine girls and boys Games throughout the year and allow them all to participate in Football, Cricket and Netball. We attend regular fixtures with other local schools to allow the pupils to experience competitive matches with the emphasis on teaching them about good sportsmanship.

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